11th Stakeholder Conference (online)
Date: Monday, 13 November 2023, 12:00-15:00 CET
Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 12:00-15:00 CET
Venue: online conference
The conference was hosted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute for International Politics in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of the Republic of Austria and OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation.
Background: The general objective of the conference was to raise the discussion related to the latest challenges within the Priority Area 9 ‘People and Skills’. Dealing with the aftermath of COVID-19 as well as coping with the war in Ukraine are among the main threats that countries from the Danube Region currently face. Education, social and labour systems have been under significant pressure for several past years and thus require innovative approaches and increasing resilience to be able to transform to the challenges.
EUSDR PA9 has identified 4 key topics to focus on in order to stimulate discussion and best practice exchange among EUSDR stakeholders as well as representatives of other EU macroregional initiatives:
- Promotion of digital skills and competences in the Danube region and beyond;
- Lifelong learning for adults (and underprivileged categories) in the Danube region and beyond;
- Enhancing cooperation between VET and labour market in the Danube region and beyond;
- Resilience, safety and rehabilitation in the Danube region and beyond.
Panel ‘Promoting digital skills and competences in the Danube region and beyond’
Panel ‘Lifelong learning in the Danube region and beyond’
- Olena Gachuk: Transformation of education in the conditions of martial law and perspective directions of its renewal for the development of the post-war economy
- Lina Blažytė: Project Towards a professional path, Integration: How we are ready for Labour Market Integration of qualified migrants: Lifelong learning, challenges and opportunities
Panel ‘Enhancing cooperation between vocational education and training and labour market in the Danube region’
- Galina Rusu: Connecting education to the demands and needs of the labor market from the perspective of sustainable development, by restructuring the human capital development mechanisms
- Yulia Grytsku-Andriyesh: Enhancing cooperation between vocational education and training and labour market in the Chernivtsi Region
Panel ‘Resilience, safety and rehabilitation in the Danube region’
- Ugo Guarnacci: EU4Health Grants
- Oleksiy Shaforostov: Regional State Administration provides security