12th International Stakeholder Conference

Fair, Green and Digital Transition in Education and Labour Market Policies 

Date: Thursday, 23 May 2024
Location: Vienna, Austria

International conference on challenges and opportunities of a fair, green and digital transition on the labour market and in the field of education in the Danube Region. The conference will be held on site in English and no interpretation will be provided. Participants are invited to bring along questions, ideas, and initiatives.

The conference will be hosted by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of the Republic of Austria in the framework of the 2024 Austrian Presidency of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.

Concept and the Agenda


Conference Report (to be added soon)

Keynote Speeches

Maryna Tverdostup – Navigating the (Digital) Skills Divide: Labour Market and Education Transition in the Danube Region

Marie-Sophie Attems – Green Skills: Transdisciplinary Education for Transformative Action

Working Group “Green Skills”

Gordon Purvis – Introducing the Green Transition

Wolfgang Pachatz – The Green Transition in Austrian VET

Christian Nowak – Ökobooster Project

Working Group “Digital Skills”

Anna Nowshad – Digitalisation of the Labour Market

Hannah Diernhofer – DigiMe (Digital and Media Competences for Pupils and Teachers)

Olha Dubovyk – Digital transformation of the social support system in Ukraine

Andreas Polsterer – IDEAL (Innovative Digital Language Learning for the Healthcare Sector)

Working Group “Vulnerable Groups and a Fair Transition”

Andrey Ivanov – Barriers for Roma in Accessing Education and Labour Market

Jelena Zlojutro – NEVO DROM (Career and Education Prospects for Roma and Rom*nja) & EmpoR (EmpowerRom’nja – Equal Opportunities through Qualification)

Sabine Albert and Jure Purgaj – I-VET (Inclusive Vocational Education and Training in the Republic of Moldova)

Barbara Glinsner and Michaela Bruckmayer – MEET (Mental Well-being in Education for Disadvantaged Youth)

Working Group “Green and Digitally Skilled Youth Accessing the Labour Market”

Danube Youth Council – Green and Digitally Skilled Youth Accessing the Labour Market


May 23 2024


9:00 - 17:00


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