8th Stakeholder Conference (Online)
Smart and social responses to the crisis: How education, training and labour market policies can contribute towards a resilient Danube Region
The 8th International Stakeholder Conference of EUSDR PA9 was the first online conference and hosted by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Family and Youth and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (Republic of Austria).
By adopting a new Action Plan in April 2020, the countries of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) have given themselves a new strategic framework for cooperation in the coming years. This important step was taken at the edge of major pan-European developments:
- • The ongoing Corona crisis has put significant stress on the labour market and education systems and institutions in the Danube Region. Unemployment, major changes to how we learn, teach, communicate and collaborate within educational systems and socio-economic challenges are only some of the societal symptoms of the crisis. With widening social gaps and the existing digital divide, disadvantaged and marginalised groups in the Danube region are at a particular risk of exclusion.
- • Within the upcoming new multi-annual financial framework (2021-2027) new opportunities might arise to invest in a smarter, and social Danube Region. Bringing together EU Member States and their partner countries in the Danube region in a joint endeavour; the EUSDR’s objectives thereby contribute improve the quality of people’s lives through integration and cooperation across borders.
- • The Danube Region needs to strengthen its economic and social performance. Adopted in 2017, the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) provides a new framework for equal opportunities and access to the labour market and education and training, as well as fair working conditions, social protection and inclusion. It should bring fairness into every citizen’s life.
- • The European Green Deal (adopted in 2019) aims at a climate neutral European Union and puts sustainability – in all of its senses – and the well-being of citizens at the centre of European action.
- • The European Strategic Agenda (adopted in 2019) intends to build a green, fair and social Europe with a vibrant economic base.
In order to cope with the ongoing crisis, digital skills as well as sound responses to an ever-changing labour market are needed. Achieving the European Education Area, the updated Skills Agenda, the new Digital Education Action Plan and the Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion to be presented by the European Commission in 2020, will be important points of reference for further steps. The 8th International Stakeholder Conference of PA9 took stock of existing initiatives and developments and discuss how cooperation in education and training as well as labour market policies can contribute to a strong, social and resilient Danube Region.
Format: Online conference about challenges and future priorities with respect to developing effective approaches to skills policies and related projects. Participants were invited to bring along questions, ideas, and initiatives.
Final agenda of the conference
Input Videos
Watch the short and informative videos below and use the opportunity to engage with the panel at the Stakeholder Conference on 18 June using the information provided in the two presentations.
Action Group 3, led by Autonomous Province of Trento, EU Strategy for the Alpine Region
Coping with the COVID-19 Crisis in Labour Market and Education Systems in Trentino, Italy
Tracey Burns, Senior Analyst, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, OECD
Learning from the Crisis: Building Responsive and Resilient Education Systems and Schools
Find the shown presentation here: Tracey Burns (OECD) – Learning from the Crisis

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