Attention: The call is already closed! Agency for Regional Development of Republic of Croatia and the European Union Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina are seeking grant proposals within IPA Cross-border
Opening of the fourth call – South East Europe Programme
Attention: The call is already closed! The fourth call for proposals in the framework of the SEE Programme is open as of 10 October until 25 November 2011, 4pm CET.
European Policy Network on the education of children and young people with a migrant background
Attention: The call is already closed! Coordinators of PA 9 are pleased to inform you that the European Commission’s DG Education and Training has recently launched a call for proposals on
Promoting the Integration of Roma in and through Education
Attention: The call is already closed! Coordinators of PA 9 are pleased to inform you that the European Commission’s DG Education and Training has recently launched a call for proposals on
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training opens second round for applications for the study visits 2011/12 for education and vocational training specialists and decision makers
Attention: The call is already closed! CEDEFOP is pleased to inform you that the second round of the call for applications for the study visits 2011/12 for education and vocational training
Two calls in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme
Attention: The calls are already closed! Call for proposals on “Promoting the Integration of Roma in and through Education” Coordinators of PA 9 are pleased to inform you that the