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New calls have been published supporting information measures and providing funding opportunities including the Danube Region Programm and several Interreg CBC/Next Programmes including HU-SK-RO-UA, SK-CZ, SI-AT, BAY-AT, RO-UA and PL-SK.
Please find more details by clicking on the links below:
2nd Call of the Danube Region Programme
The 2nd call of the Danube Region Programme is open, including a budget of €4.6 million respectively for projects implemented under SO 3.1 (labour market) and SO 3.2 (education)
Call Budget: € 38,749,913
Deadline: 29.03.2024
Information measures for the EU Cohesion policy for 2023
This call provides funding to enhance people’s awareness of the results of Cohesion policy. It aims at increasing media coverage on Cohesion policy, in particular at regional level.
Call Budget: € 7,000,000
Deadline: 09.01.2024
Interreg SK-CZ 2023 – Education
This call supports cross-border projects under Specific Objective 2.1 ‘Improving equal access to inclusive and quality services in education, training and lifelong learning through developing accessible infrastructure, including by fostering resilience for distance and on-line education and training’.
Call budget: € 4,300,000
Deadline: 31.01.2024
Interreg SI-AT: Standard Projects (2nd cut-off date)
The Programme’s aim is to improve coordination and cooperation in the SI-AT border area to reduce border obstacles and unleash the potentials for a resilient and competitive region. Submissions are possible under all priorities and specific objectives (except SO 3.2.).
Call budget: € 41,500,000
Deadline: 12.12.2023
Interreg HU-SK-RO-UA 2023: First call small-scale & regular-scale & large scale projects
The Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme is open for small-scale, regular-scale and large-scale projects within the 2021-2027 European Union financial framework under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI).
Call Budget: € 49,993,185
Deadline: depending on the scale of the project
Interreg RO-UA- Small projects
The Managing Authority for Interreg NEXT Romania-Ukraine Programme launches the call for proposals for small scale projects.
Call Budget: € 14,585,914
Deadline: 08.01.2024
Interreg PL-SK: Small projects – Region Prešov
The call is published in the framework of the Small Projects Fund, which is funded by the European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation TATRY within the Interreg Poland – Slovakia 2021-2027 Program under Priority 4 Cooperation of Institutions and Inhabitants* of the Border Area, Specific Objective 2 Building mutual trust, especially by promoting people-to-people actions.
Call Budget: € 1,000,000
Deadline: 19.01.2024
Interreg Bavaria-Austria: Medium, small and p2p projects
The call supports small and medium projects and People2People projects in the cross-border area Bavaria-Austria under Specific Objective 6 and 7.
Call Budget: € 61,500,000
Deadline: 29.02.2024