New calls have been published under the Jean Monnet Actions and Horizon Europe.
Please find more details by clicking on the links below:
Jean Monnet Actions
Horizon Europe – Cluster Cluster 6 – Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
- Developing an interdisciplinary and inclusive pan-European academic network for food system science
- Revitalisation of European local (rural / peri-urban) communities with innovative bio-based business models and social innovation
- Mobilising BIOEAST networks for the development of national bioeconomy action programmes in support of the European Green Deal
- Developing an EU advisory network on organic agriculture
- Developing EU advisory networks to reduce the use of pesticides
- Developing EU advisory networks on the optimal fertiliser use
- Addressing biodiversity decline and promoting Nature-based Solutions in higher education
- Build up of knowledge on Nature Positive Economy and supporting its scale-up
- Harnessing the innovation potential and market uptake of successful circular economy water related projects
- Symbiosis in the bio-based industrial ecosystems
- Supporting the fair and just transition from GHG-intensive economies facing challenges towards circular bioeconomy model regions
- Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI)’s circular systemic solutions
- Novel, sustainable and circular bio-based textiles
- Enhancing social inclusion in rural areas: focus on people in a vulnerable situation and social economy
- Improving rural future through better territorial governance and rural-urban synergies
- International benchmarking of rural and territorial policies and delivery mechanisms
- Assessing urban farming impacts
- Eradicate micronutrient deficiencies in the EU
- Thematic network ensuring food safety by translating research and innovation into practice
- Support to the markets and trade of agroecological food products under the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) partnership