Learning, Teaching, Exchanging – School Cooperations in the Danube Region
The Thematic Conference “Learning, Teaching, Exchanging – School Cooperations in the Danube Region” will be held on 9th and 10th June 2016 in Linz at the International Business School.
The focus of this years’ conference will lie i.a. on the exchange of experience, the sharing of best practice examples as well as on the promotion of the etwinning learning platform. The target group of the meeting are teachers who are responsible of students between the age of 11 and 19.
Find the summary of conference here and for further information about the meeting please visit the following link: http://etwinning.at/index.php/veranstaltungen/490-ausschreibung-etwinning-seminar-zum-donauraum?catid=58%3Aprofessional-