“Investing in Inclusive and Innovative Education and Training for Better Socioeconomic Outcomes”
In the framework of the Annual Forum 2014 Priority Area 9 (Area Education and Training) coordinated and realised the Workshop “Investing in Inclusive and Innovative Education and Training for Better Socioeconomic Outcomes“.
The workshop focussed on EUSDR Priority Area 9 actions to raise the performance of education and training systems, to support creativity and entrepreneurship, to promote lifelong learning and mobility, as well as to foster equity, social cohesion and active citizenship. The session was chaired by PAC Jürgen Schick (Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs, Austria).
The workshop was kicked-off with a statement by Mr. Torsten Hubertus Arndt from the European Commission (DG EAC) and structured around three panels on “Cooperation platforms and networking”, on “Improving the quality and attractiveness of VET” and on “Transversal Key Competences, Active Citizenship and Innovative Learning Environments”.
Please consult the following documents
- Summary of workshop “Investing in Inclusive and Innovative Education and Training for Better Socioeconomic Outcomes”