9th Stakeholder Conference (Online)
A Resilient Danube Region through Digitalization, Inclusion and Education
Date: 17-18 June 2021
Venue: online conference
The conference is hosted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Labour and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research of the Republic of Austria, the Ukrainian Institute for International Politics, L&R Social Research and OeAD– Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation.
The general objective of the current conference is to discuss the main challenges within the Priority Area 9 field of operation, such as digitalization, social inclusion, vocational education development.
Digitalization. The profound digitalization of education, as well as the labour market and readiness to such transformations, remain to be a central necessity for the EUSDR member states. The issue of digitalization is widely discussed internationally and should be actively and regularly raised in the Danube region.
Social inclusion. The conference aims to support the general development of social inclusion within EUSDR countries. Such topics as the problem of early school leavers and the involvement of youngsters in education and training are crucial and remain on the discussion list.
Vocational education. The third main thematic pillar of the current stakeholder conference is vocational education and training development. There is no doubt that this very sphere requires specific attention and consolidation of international cooperation to make VET institutions capable to prepare up-to-date and required specialists in various fields of national economies.
Participants to be involved:
● EU and international institutions;
● State institutions responsible for labour market, educational and social policies;
● National educational institutions;
● Agencies of the vocational education;
● Representatives of civil society and NGOs;
● Institutions of social research.
Panel discussions to be held:
● Promotion of digital skills and competencies in the Danube region;
● Equal opportunities and inclusion in the Danube Region;
● Enhancing cooperation between vocational education and training and the labour market in the Danube Region.
Presentation_Dankanych (Virtual Reality Unites Carpathians)
Presentation_Downes (Dublin City University)

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