6th International Stakeholder Conference
The Future of Priority Area 9
‘Investing in People and Skills’ in the Danube Region’
The main aim of this stakeholder conference is to discuss future challenges as well as priorities for further cooperation related to education and training and employment policies in the Danube Region, in particular in light of the ongoing revision process of the 2010 EUSDR Action Plan. The event will also deal with the question, how future actions can best be linked to post-2020 discussions in the policy areas concerned.
The conference will be hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research as Priority Area Coordinators 9 of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and is being co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, ENI).
For photos of the conference visit