The main aim of the meeting was to bring together key stakeholders of the European Strategies and Managing Authorities of the ESIF and other funds and to thereby provide a much focussed approach of policy and project development related to Roma Integration in the Danube Region. The goal of better spending of EU funds in the macro-region shall be strongly related to Roma integration, especially with regard to the ESIF, but also EU funds for (potential) candidate countries and countries of the European Neighbourhood.
This meeting was jointly organised by the Austrian National Roma Contact Point, as well as Priority Area 10 “Stepping up Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” and Priority Area 9 “Investing in People and Skills” of the EUSDR and took place at the Federal Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Stubenring 1, A-1010 Vienna.
Please find more information under www.danube-capacitycooper